Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hit The Ground Running

Greetings Friends!

The phrase "hit the ground running" has come to mean getting off to a brisk and successful start. I am not sure what the origins of this idiom are, but I am quite sure that I understand the physics behind it - at least with regards to "hitting the ground."

For those of you who have ever worked out on one of those ghastly creations known as the treadmill, you too understand. The treadmill is essentially moving ground. If your feet were to hit that device and not be in motion, you would either fall flat on your face, or be sent hurtling through the back wall. In order to not experience epic treadmill failure, your running pace must match the pace of the treadmill as soon as your feet make contact. In other words, you must "hit the ground running," or hit the back wall crashing.

I hope to get off to a brisk and successful start in my ministry at Corinth as the Pastor of Discipleship. In order to do that, not only do I need to get prayed up, but I also need to prepare myself to match the pace of ministry that is already spinning at Corinth. God is richly blessing the ministry of Corinth with much fruit. Many positive things are happening as the Spirit is being poured out amongst you. To continue on with the metaphor - God is spinning the treadmill at Corinth at a quick pace, and if I want to get off to a brisk and successful start, I would like to do all I can to match the pace that God has already established.

Until I can come and live amongst you in personal community, I would like to prepare myself to "hit the ground running" with the creation of this little weekly blog space. Not only should it provide opportunity for you to get to know my ministry passions, motivations and heart a little bit, but it should also provide you with a little insight into who I am and how God is shaping me. I am also prayerfully hopeful that through it, God will give my some insight and direction for myself as I seek to come alongside your Ministry team and contribute to what God is doing and wants to do.

This will be a blog about Discipleship - about what that is, about what it looks like, about how and why as a follower of Christ you need to be engaged in it. I will endeavour to contribute a post once weekly. Please do feel free to join in on the conversation and reply to any of the posts. Perhaps we can build some relationships this way.

Until next week then, keep up that exercise regimen :)

Be God's, Pastor Scott Nyp

PS - please do check out my lovely wife Tanya's new blog that she has created as well specifically to give you some insight into our family and what we are all about.  http://tanyanyp.blogspot.com/

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